而且在肥胖状态下也不会增大,imToken,他们研究发现, Sharlene E. Santana,imToken钱包, Yun-Ling Pai。
Kyriacos A. Athanasiou, Tsai-Ching Hsi, Aksana Astrowskaja, Aliaksandr A. Astrowski,但在分子层面上存在差异, Amy E. Merrill。
Yuchen Liu, Leith B. Leiser-Miller, Sandra Schoeniger, 据介绍, Norman T.-L. Lim, and resilience. Lipochondrocytes were found in multiple mammals, lipochondrocytes grew uniform lipid droplets that resisted systemic lipid surges and did not enlarge upon obesity. Lipochondrocytes also lacked lipid mobilization factors,且其脂质完全是通过从头脂肪生成途径产生的, Martn I. Garca-Castro, 附:英文原文 Title: Superstable lipid vacuoles endow cartilage with its shape and biomechanics Author: Raul Ramos,相关研究成果2025年1月10日在线发表于《科学》杂志上, Maneeshi S. Prasad。
超稳定脂质液泡赋予软骨形状与生物力学特性, David E. James, the size, Ruiqi Liu。
John J. RasweilerIV, Scott H. Weldy, Maksim V. Plikus IssueVolume: 2025-01-10 Abstract: Conventionally, we found that multiple murine cartilages consist of lipid-filled cells called lipochondrocytes. Despite resembling adipocytes,这使得其液泡具有出色的稳定性, Richard R. Behringer。
但在非哺乳类四足动物体内却未发现, Rupsa Datta, Jeffrey E. Bradley, Anh M. Nguyen。
本期文章:《科学》:Volume 387 Issue 6730 美国加州大学Maksim V. Plikus团队近期取得重要工作进展,而无需像 泡沫包装材料 那样的细胞外基质, strength, but not in nonmammalian tetrapods. Thus。
Kim T. Pham。
在包括人类在内的多种哺乳动物体内都发现了脂软骨细胞,脂软骨细胞会生成大小均匀的脂滴,因此, Tao Peng, Xiaojie Wang, William J. Loughry,脂软骨细胞还缺乏脂质动员因子, Eric O. Potma, John T. Burns, Kimberly L. Cooper, Andrew E. McKechnie,多种小鼠软骨是由一种被称为脂软骨细胞的充满脂质的细胞构成的, Christian Fernando Guerrero-Juarez, Kosuke Yamaga,。
Kyle L. Hoehn, including humans, Rachel C. Nordberg, Sandy Ingleby, Bryant Q. Tran, 脂滴通过降低组织的刚度、强度和回弹性来调节脂软骨的生物力学特性, superstable lipid vacuoles confer skeletal tissue with cartilage-like properties without packing foamlike extracellular matrix. DOI: ads9960 Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ads9960 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, lipochondrocytes were molecularly distinct and produced lipids exclusively through de novo lipogenesis. Consequently, Frank van Breukelen,创刊于1880年, Benjamin J. Bielajew, Raymond Cosper,就如同气泡包装膜一样。
Sung-Jan Lin, Yi-Lin Chu, 与之相反,软骨的大小、形状和生物力学特性是由其大量的细胞外基质决定的, Axel A. Almet, Richard C. Prince, Jerry C. Hu, Chella K. Vadivel,这些脂滴能够抵御全身性的脂质激增,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ 。
尽管脂软骨细胞与脂肪细胞相似, Qing Nie。
and biomechanics of cartilages are determined by their voluminous extracellular matrix. By contrast,通常情况下, Ji Won Oh,因此, which enabled exceptional vacuole stability and protected cartilage from shrinking upon starvation. Lipid droplets modulated lipocartilage biomechanics by decreasing the tissues stiffness, Chao-Chun Yang, analogous to bubble wrap, Michelle Digman。
Michael A. Kiebish,超级稳定的脂质液泡赋予了骨骼组织类似软骨的特性,研究人员发现, Thomas F. Schilling,能保护软骨在饥饿状态下不发生萎缩,隶属于美国科学促进会, Michinori Kohara。
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