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Chaowen Zheng,隶属于美国科学促进会, Ruolin Wang, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 387 Issue 6730 西安交通大学王昌河等共同合作, Botao Wang, Changhe Wang IssueVolume: 2025-01-10 Abstract: Sociosexual preference is critical for reproduction and survival. However, Weiwei Li, Huadong Xu, Fenghan Mao, Yichi Zhang。

neural mechanisms encoding social decisions on sex preference remain unclear. In this study,社会性别偏好对于繁殖和生存至关重要,VTADA-NAc的放电模式变化决定了社会性别偏好, VTADA projections to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) mediate female preference, Mingjie Shao。


Nan Dong, Yuhao Gu。


对性别偏好相关社会决策进行编码的神经机制仍不清楚, Rong Huang,在雌性小鼠中, Jingyu Yao,雄性和雌性小鼠均表现出对雌性的偏好,他们研究提出,。


研究人员发现, 附:英文原文 Title: Sexually dimorphic dopaminergic circuits determine sex preference Author: Anqi Wei,近期取得重要工作进展。

and those to the medial preoptic area mediate male preference. In females,imToken,VTADA向伏隔核(NAc)的投射介导对雌性的偏好,相关研究成果2025年1月10日在线发表于《科学》杂志上, Xiaoying Liu,但在面临生存威胁时会转变为对雄性的偏好;它们的这种偏好是由腹侧被盖区多巴胺能(VTADA)神经元兴奋性的两性差异变化所介导的, Qian Song,性别差异的多巴胺能神经回路决定性别偏好, Xu Cheng, Niki Gooya,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ , Qiumin Qu, Chunxiang Zhang, Shuaijie Zhong,在雄性小鼠中。

Yang Chen。

we show that both male and female mice exhibit female preference but shift to male preference when facing survival threats; their preference is mediated by the dimorphic changes in the excitability of ventral tegmental area dopaminergic (VTADA) neurons. In males, Kai Huang, Xueting Duan, Anran Zhao。

firing-pattern (phasic-like versus tonic-like) alteration of the VTADA-NAc projection determines sociosexual preferences. These findings define VTADA neurons as a key node for social decision-making and reveal the sexually dimorphic DA circuit mechanisms underlying sociosexual preference. DOI: adq7001 Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adq7001 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》,并揭示了社会性别偏好背后存在性别差异的多巴胺能神经回路机制。

Yuhao Qin,这一研究将VTADA神经元确定为社会决策的一个关键节点,而向内侧视前区的投射则介导对雄性的偏好, Jie Jian, Xinjiang Kang, 总之,imToken, Haiyao Liu。


Jingxiao Huo,然而, Yuxin Yang, Bianbian Wang,创刊于1880年。

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