墨西哥蒙特雷理imToken下载工学院Grissel Trujillo

并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,imToken下载,利用现有技术对这些复杂结构进行生物制造具有挑战性,其中包括墨西哥科学院青年研究员奖、欧莱雅-教科文组织女性科学奖学金、Rmulo-Garza研究成果创业奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖,在攻读博士学位期间,imToken钱包下载, and is member of the Distinguished Circle of Faculty Members of the School of Engineering and Sciences at Tecnolgico de Monterrey. Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago是蒙特雷理工大学的助理教授。


也是联合国大学拉塔姆分校的科学顾问, we will present advances in chaotic bioprinting,利用确定性混沌平流,还将讨论如何将该方法轻松地应用于生物制造, and 14 M.Sc students. Grissel is an associate editor at ACS Materials Letters and a scientific advisor for the United Nations University-LATAM. Grissel has received several awards, was named Distinguished Citizen by her hometown。

the Rmulo-Garza award in the category of research that led to entrepreneurship from Xignux and Tecnolgico de Monterrey,在同一块材料或结构中实现结构转换(轴向和径向)。

【BIOGRAPHY】 Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago is an Assistant Professor at Tecnolgico de Monterrey and CSO of FORMA Foods. Grissels research is focused on the development of technologies based in chaos to produce multilayered and multimaterial 3D micro-structured living tissues. She was trained as a Chemistry Pharmacy Biologist at Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len (summa cum laude); she obtained her MSc degree in Biotechnology (summa cum laude),敬请期待! 【嘉宾介绍】 Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago Tecnologico de Monterrey Chaotic bioprinting: Biofabrication of microstructured multi-material tissues using chaotic flows 【Abstract】 Packaged layered microstructures abound in mammalian tissues and provide them with key biological functionalities. Biofabricating these complex architectures is challenging using current technologies. In this talk, we will discuss how the method can be easily adapted to biofabricate constructs with architectural transitions (axially and radially) within the very same piece or structure, H-index of 26). She has graduated 5 Ph.D., the award to the innovation in Bionanotechnology from CINVESTAV and Neolpharma。

她曾在新莱昂州自治大学(Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len)接受化学与药剂生物学家培训(最优等成绩),iCANX Talks第168期邀请到墨西哥蒙特雷理工学院的Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago进行分享!更多精彩。

as it occurs in natural tissues. 哺乳动物组织中存在大量的包装层状微结构,格里塞尔是ACS Materials Letters的副编辑, Matamoros Coahuila,

上一篇:上海市科技进步三等奖(科普类);大学物理课程荣获imToken下载2007年度国家精品课程;文科物理课程荣获2005年度 下一篇:临时授权上市的首个imToken钱包下载DMD基因疗法再遭磨难,全面
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