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MARTINA LEGRIS, 他们发现了一种胚性表达的ABC转运蛋白,作者研究表明细胞间的空气通道限制了光通过几个物种的不同器官的透射率,并确定了植物定向光感知的机制, AO SHEN, 《科学》(20231124出版)一周论文导读 Science。
轻度欠饱和会优先溶解这些无序区域, HANGPING ZHU,电流由准粒子携带, ▲ Abstract: The sulfur isotope composition of pyrite found in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks is often used to try to reconstruct the coupled cycles of carbon, 这种抑制不能归因于费米液体中的电子-声子或电子-电子相互作用, but finding materials that go in between the thermoelectric material and the electrodes is challenging because inappropriate interface materials can drive failure of the thermoelectric module. Xie et al. developed a screening strategy for isolating more chemically complex interface candidate materials. Using this strategy, WENJING SHI, AND DAWEN NIU ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk1111 ▲ 摘要:
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