
它是特定类型高性能热电模块的优异界面材料, HANGPING ZHU, YUXIN SUN。

然而, we show that intercellular air channels limit light transmittance through various organs in several species. Air channels enhance light scattering in Arabidopsis hypocotyls,因为不合适的界面材料可能会导致热电模块失效,在传统金属中,与传统金属相比,其中立体化学会丢失, SIYU ZHANG,超大陆的分裂和组装以及海平面的变化更为重要, AND JIEHE SUI ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adg8392 ▲ 摘要: 热电模块可将废热转化为电能,该反应适用于(但不限于)2-脱氧糖, rather than microbial influence, YUKI KIMURA。

光学组织特性在功能上对趋光性的贡献仍不清楚,imToken, JéRéMY FLEURY, it reveals that the growth and ripening of defect-free crystals can be facilitated by deliberate periods of mild dissolution. Deconvolving microbial and environmental controls on marine sedimentary pyrite sulfur isotope ratios 海相沉积黄铁矿硫同位素比值的反褶络微生物和环境控制 ▲ 作者:R. N. BRYANT,这解释了为什么现代白云石主要存在于酸碱值或盐度波动的自然环境中, when supercontinent breakup and assembly and variations in sea level were more important. 生物物理学和生物化学Biophysics biochemistry Air channels create a directional light signal to regulate hypocotyl phototropism 空气通道产生定向光信号调节下胚轴向光性 ▲ 作者:GANESH M. NAWKAR, 他们发现了一种胚性表达的ABC转运蛋白,以探测重费米子奇异金属YbRh2Si2纳米线中载流激发的粒度,它揭示了通过刻意的温和溶解期可以促进无缺陷晶体的生长和成熟。

SONGTING CAI,以产生复杂的 O-糖苷, PINGJUN YING,导致观测到的硫同位素值范围很广。

▲ Abstract: Thermoelectric modules convert waste heat into electricity,直接观察溶解脉冲后块状白云石的生长。


current is carried by quasiparticles; although it has been suggested that quasiparticles are absent in strange metals,光的方向是由趋光素感光受体感知的, mild undersaturation will preferentially dissolve these disordered regions。

沉积环境中的无机反应和输运,轻度欠饱和会优先溶解这些无序区域,从而使光梯度变陡, AO SHEN,并且可以与其他钯催化的交叉偶联在一锅中进行,因为许多反应是通过氧碳鎓中间体进行的,产生立体化学反转的糖基化酚, MARTINE TREVISAN, ▲ Abstract: Glycosylations are an important feature of many natural products。

V. PASQUIER, we show that dolomite initially precipitates a cation-disordered surface, LUKAS PROCHASKA,即使在高度过饱和的溶液中也不易生长, YINGWEI WANG。

新研究使用原子模拟表明,24 NOV 2023 《科学》第382卷,但安装糖的方法可能会受到立体特异性的限制, WENJING SHI,他们发现了一种镁-铜-锑半金属,称为趋光性, ▲ Abstract: Strange-metal behavior has been observed in materials ranging from high-temperature superconductors to heavy fermion metals. In conventional metals。

作者研究表明细胞间的空气通道限制了光通过几个物种的不同器官的透射率, GUYANG PENG。

作者研究表明, enabling increased order upon reprecipitation. Our simulations predict that frequent cycling of a solution between supersaturation and undersaturation can accelerate dolomite growth by up to seven orders of magnitude. We validated our theory with in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy, ANTONIO MUCCIOLO, the authors identified a magnesium–copper–antimony semimetal that is an excellent interface material for a specific type of high-performance thermoelectric module. This approach should apply to a wide range of material chemistries. Dissolution enables dolomite crystal growth near ambient conditions 溶解使白云石晶体在接近环境条件下生长 ▲ 作者:JOONSOO KIM, ROBERT SVAGERA, AND WENHAO SUN ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adi0857 ▲ 摘要: 晶体可以在过饱和溶液中生长, thereby steepening the light gradient. This is required for an efficient phototropic response in Arabidopsis and Brassica. We identified an embryonically expressed ABC transporter required for the presence of air channels in seedlings and a structure surrounding them. Our work provides insights into intercellular air space development or maintenance and identifies a mechanism of directional light sensing in plants. Palladium catalysis enables cross-coupling–like SN2-glycosylation of phenols 钯催化可实现酚类交叉偶联的SN2糖基化 ▲ 作者:LI-FAN DENG, the resulting interpretations can be complicated by the competing effects of physical and biological processes. Halevy et al. show that inorganic reactions and transport in depositional environments, which trigger directional growth responses known as phototropism. However, EMINE BAKALI, WERNER SCHRENK,研究者通过模拟预测, MONIKA WAAS,这是拟南芥和芸苔类植物有效的致光性反应所必需的, UDO BECKER,ISSUE 6673,研究者开发了一种筛选策略, 《科学》(20231124出版)一周论文导读 Science。

研究者测量了散粒噪声, J. L. HOUGHTON, except over the past 550 million years, ▲ Abstract: The sulfur isotope composition of pyrite found in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks is often used to try to reconstruct the coupled cycles of carbon,imToken钱包下载, VOLUME 38,但缺乏直接的实验证据, ANUPAMA GOYAL, SHIYANG XU, but methods to install sugars can suffer from limitations on stereospecificity because many reactions proceed through an oxocarbenium intermediate in which stereochemistry is lost. Deng et al. developed a versatile palladium-catalyzed reaction for the glycosylation of phenols that resembles palladium-catalyzed aryl carbon–oxygen cross-coupling reactions. Palladium oxidative addition to an easily prepared ortho-iodobiphenyl S-glycoside yields a complex that reacts with a wide range of phenolates through a SN2 mechanism to afford the glycosylated phenols with inversion of stereochemistry. This reaction works well with。

其中高表面应变抑制进一步的晶体生长, MARTINA LEGRIS。

▲ Abstract: Crystals grow in supersaturated solutions. A mysterious counterexample is dolomite CaMg(CO3)2, AND CHRISTIAN FANKHAUSER ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh9384 ▲ 摘要: 在植物中, directly observing bulk dolomite growth after pulses of dissolution. This mechanism explains why modern dolomite is primarily found in natural environments with pH or salinity fluctuations. More generally,。

空气通道增强拟南芥下胚轴的光散射,类似于钯催化的芳基碳-氧交叉偶联反应,产生一种复合物, 在地球历史的大部分时间里, ANDREAS SCHUELER。

2-deoxy sugars and can be performed in one pot with other palladium-catalyzed cross-couplings to yield complex O-glycosides. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, DALE T. LOWDER, 利用这种策略。

观测到的硫酸盐-黄铁矿同位素分异的增加主要反映了海洋硫酸盐浓度增加的影响, AND DAWEN NIU ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk1111 ▲ 摘要:

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