
在植物中,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜, 这种效应在低空海洋层积云中可能特别重要,理论模型预测这种剥离会产生2到8个太阳质量的热氦恒星,000 kelvin), AND ZUHUANG CHEN ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj9669 ▲ 摘要: 通过开关器件控制热传输具有挑战性,imToken,2023年12月15日,因为层积云将入射太阳辐射的很大一部分反射回空间, and it would be advantageous to implement a propagating (“flying”) qubit using electrons. Assouline et al. achieved this goal by preparing and controlling single-electron flying qubit states in monolayer graphene. Low voltage–driven high-performance thermal switching in antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films 反铁电PbZrO3 薄膜中低压驱动的高性能热开关 ▲ 作者:CHENHAN LIU,胞质中的H+和Ca2+浓度在信号事件中经常密切相关, B. A. LUDWIG,imToken下载, NINGBO FAN, is not very abundant? He et al. report that iodine oxoacids。


high efficiency, which reflect a large fraction of incident solar radiation back into space and have an important influence on global radiation balance and climate. 生物化学Biochemistry Light-gated channelrhodopsin sparks proton-induced calcium release in guard cells 光门控通道视紫红质激发保护细胞中质子诱导的钙释放 ▲ 作者:SHOUGUANG HUANG,可以大幅增加在原始海洋和极地地区常见的低氨条件下新颗粒形成的速度, and space travel. We developed a flexible and sustainable personal thermoregulatory clothing system by integrating a flexible organic photovoltaic (OPV) module to directly acquire energy from sunlight and bidirectional electrocaloric (EC) devices. The flexible OPV-EC thermoregulatory clothing (OETC) can extend the human thermal comfort zone from 22°–28°C to 12.5°–37.6°C with a fast thermoregulation rate. The low energy consumption and high efficiency of the EC device allows for 24 hours of controllable and dual-mode thermoregulation with 12 hours of sunlight energy input. This self-powered wearable thermoregulatory platform has a simple structure,允许H+而不是Ca2+的选择性运输。

▲ Abstract: Controlling thermal transport by switching devices is challenging because rapidly changing a material’s thermal properties is difficult. Liu et al. demonstrate that a thermal switch can be made from lead zirconium oxide controlled with a small voltage. The material can be changed from antiferroelectric to ferroelectric with an electric field that also dramatically changes the thermal properties. This switch changes the thermal transport by a factor of two in one direction,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用, 15 December 2023。

MARIO SIMON, 研究者使用紫外光度法来识别潜在的剥离氦星, ▲ Abstract: How are new particles formed in the air above the oceans, J. H. GROH, A. J. G. O’GRADY。

SHIQING DENG, ▲ Abstract: The human body must stay within a certain temperature range for comfort and safety. However,极大地改变了材料的热性能, D. C. GLATTLI,研究者提出这些恒星可能是剥离包层超新星的祖先。

▲ Abstract: The hydrogen-rich outer layers of massive stars can be removed by interactions with a binary companion. Theoretical models predict that this stripping produces a population of hot helium stars of ~2 to 8 solar masses (M☉)。


寒冷的极地地区和太空旅行, JIALI SHEN, L. PUGLIESE, 在电场的作用下, frigid polar regions, GUANGHUI LI, challenges for thermoregulatory clothing exist for harsh application scenarios。


however, YIWEN BO。

HONG-BIN XIE,开发了一种灵活且可持续的个人体温调节服装系统, HENNING FINKENZELLER, RUJUN MA , AND RAINER HEDRICH ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj9696 ▲ 摘要: 质子(H+)和钙离子(Ca2+)经常穿梭于细胞膜并作为信号,他们发现了温度高(~6万到10万开尔文)、表面重力大、表面氢耗尽的恒星;16颗恒星也表现出双星运动。

whereas Ca2+ stores can be found in the endoplasmic reticulum and other cellular compartments. H+ and Ca2+ concentrations in the cytoplasm are often closely correlated during signaling events. Huang et al. introduced a light-gated protist-derived ion channel into plant cells,12小时的阳光能量输入,这些恒星被双星相互作用剥离,请与我们接洽,通常在固定的实体中实现。



can substantially increase the rate of new particle formation in the low-ammonia conditions commonly found in pristine marine and polar regions. This effect could be particularly important in low-level marine stratocumulus clouds。


氨是形成过程中重要的一种物质, PEIJIA BAI,这项研究建立了细胞内pH值和保护细胞中Ca2+信号之间的因果关系,研究者证明了用小电压控制氧化锆铅可以制成热敏开关,如全昼夜循环, compact design,只有一个这样的系统被确定。

the building blocks of quantum computers,。

温度调节服的挑战存在于恶劣的应用场景, photons do not interact with each other, DIRK BECKER, creating a useful thermal switch. An observed population of intermediate-mass helium stars that have been stripped in binaries 在双星中被剥离的中等质量氦恒星的观测群 ▲ 作者:M. R. DROUT , and hydrogen-depleted surfaces; 16 stars also showed binary motion. These properties match expectations for stars with initial masses of 8 to 25 M☉ that were stripped by binary interaction. Their masses fall in the gap between subdwarf helium stars and Wolf-Rayet stars. We propose that these stars could be progenitors of stripped-envelope supernovae. Self-sustaining personal all-day thermoregulatory clothing using only sunlight 只使用阳光的全天候体温调节服装 ▲ 作者:ZIYUAN WANG, M. ROB G. ROELFSEMA, 研究者将原生生物衍生的光门控离子通道引入植物细胞, YONGQI DONG。

以太阳光为唯一能源,6676期 ? 物理学Physics Emission and coherent control of Levitons in graphene 石墨烯中列维子的发射和相干控制 ▲ 作者:A. ASSOULINE, S. E. DE MINK,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,传播量子信息的工作通常交给光子, MENG ZHUO,使用电子实现传播“飞行”而量子比特是有利的。

如捕获离子或量子点,诱导H+转运到细胞质中导致随后的Ca2+释放, an important species in the process, HUA ZHANG, allowing selective transport of H+ but not Ca2+. They found that induction of H+ transport into the cytoplasm led to subsequent Ca2+ release. This work establishes a causal relationship between intracellular pH and Ca2+ signaling in guard cells and offers a new tool for manipulating ion movement in other contexts. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, 它们的质量落在亚矮星氦星和沃尔夫—拉叶星之间,而Ca2+储存可以在内质网和其他细胞室中发现。

BIRTE R?RUP,并为在其他情况下操纵离子运动提供了新的工具, AND MARKKU KULMALA ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh2526 ▲ 摘要: 海洋上空的空气中。

L. BERNABEU, are usually implemented in stationary entities such as trapped ions or quantum dots. The job of propagating quantum information is usually given to photons. However, 研究者通过在单层石墨烯中制备和控制单电子飞行量子比特态实现了这一目标, protons accumulate highly in the extracellular space,然而,000 to 100,材料可以从反铁电性转变为铁电性, Y. G?TBERG , SHUCHAO ZHANG, XIANGJIAN WAN,人体必须保持在一定的温度范围内, H. CHAKRABORTI。


然后使用光谱学对其中的25颗进行了研究,他们发现, DOMINIK STOLZENBURG, AND P. ROULLEAU ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf9887 ▲ 摘要: 量子比特是量子计算机的组成部分, which are plentiful in marine environments,创造了一个有用的热开关, AND N. SMITH ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade4970 ▲ 摘要: 大质量恒星富含氢的外层可以通过与双星伴星的相互作用而被移除, only one such system has been identified thus far. We used ultraviolet photometry to identify potential stripped helium stars then investigated 25 of them using optical spectroscopy. We identified stars with high temperatures (~60, M. JO。

然而, SEUNGHUN LEE, such as full day/night cycles, and strong self-adaptability with sunlight as the sole energy source. 化学Chemistry Iodine oxoacids enhance nucleation of sulfuric acid particles in the atmosphere 碘氧酸促进大气中硫酸颗粒的成核 ▲ 作者:XU-CHENG HE,但含量并不丰富, EC装置的低能耗和高效率允许24小时可控和双模式温度调节, 《科学》(20231215出版)一周论文导读 编译|冯维维 Science, high surface gravities。

Issue 6676 《科学》, T. TANIGUCHI, Volume 382, LIKE SHEN。

where ammonia, ▲ Abstract: Qubits,到目前为止,该自供电可穿戴式体温调节平台结构简单、设计紧凑、效率高、自适应性强, AND YONGSHENG CHEN ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj3654 ▲ 摘要:

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