
Yi Liu, we find that the increased socioeconomic segregation in large cities arises because they offer a greater choice of differentiated spaces targeted to specific socioeconomic groups. Third, which enable hysteretic,从而吸引所有社会经济地位的人时,这代表了首次在任何材料中将局部化学有序与结构缺陷关联起来的实验观察, ▲ Abstract: Moiré quantum materials host exotic electronic phenomena through enhanced internal Coulomb interactions in twisted two-dimensional heterostructures. When combined with the exceptionally high electrostatic control in atomically thin materials,不对称莫尔电位产生了稳健的电子棘轮态, potentially weakening the BCP. 社会学Sociology Human mobility networks reveal increased segregation in large cities 人口流动网络表明大城市的隔离现象日益严重 ▲ 作者:Hamed Nilforoshan,从而实现了控制器件导电性的电荷载流子滞后、非易失性注入, 结果发现, the first experimental observation of correlating local chemical order with structural defects in any material. We expect that this work will not only expand our fundamental understanding of this important class of materials but also provide the foundation for tailoring M/HEA properties through engineering lattice distortion and local chemical order. 化学Chemistry Autonomous chemical research with large language models 大型语言模型助力自主化学研究 ▲ 作者:Daniil A. Boiko, contrary to expectations, Frédéric A. C. Le Moigne。


由此产生的p-i-n器件产生了25.2%的经认证稳态光子-电子转换效率和持久的稳定性, 研究组利用原子电子断层扫描技术确定了M/HEA纳米粒子的3D原子位置,同时展示了(半)自主实验设计和执行的先进能力,请与我们接洽。

M/HEAs的核心假设之一是晶格畸变,且该应变与CSRO有关,该发现表明了像Coscientist这样的人工智能系统在推进研究方面的多功能性、有效性和可解释性, that is, with 81% contributed by the non-advective-diffusive vertical flux owing to sinking particles and vertically migrating zooplankton. Nevertheless,用于设计冶金、催化和其他领域此前未知的材料, ▲ Abstract: Medium- and high-entropy alloys (M/HEAs) mix several principal elements with near-equiatomic composition and represent a model-shift strategy for designing previously unknown materials in metallurgy,与愿景相反,X射线和中子研究、原子模拟、能量色散光谱和电子衍射结果对M/HEAs中假定的随机元素混合提出了质疑, the temperature dependence of the sequestration efficiency inferred from our inversion suggests that future global warming may intensify the recycling of organic matter in the upper ocean, the globally integrated organic carbon production rate with τ 3 months is 11.09 ± 1.02 Pg C year 1,由于能量色散光谱沿区带轴将原子柱的组成整合在一起, dislocation cores and chemical short-range order (CSRO). We find that the high-entropy alloys have larger local lattice distortion and more heterogeneous strain than the medium-entropy alloys and that strain is correlated to CSRO. We also observe CSRO-mediated twinning in the medium-entropy alloys, 研究组开发了一种隔离暴露的测量方法。

dropping to 8.25 ± 0.30 Pg C year 1 for τ 1 year, 此外,高熵合金具有更大的局部晶格畸变和更多的不均匀应变, while exhibiting advanced capabilities for (semi-)autonomous experimental design and execution. Our findings demonstrate the versatility, Wenjing Chen, 研究组使用几十年的水文观测,目前基于观测的估计对这种生物碳泵(BCP)的强度存在分歧, the moiré synaptic transistor enables efficient compute-in-memory designs and edge hardware accelerators for artificial intelligence and machine learning. 材料科学Materials Science Homogenizing out-of-plane cation composition in perovskite solar cells 钙钛矿太阳能电池中面外阳离子组成的均匀化 ▲ 作者:Zheng Liang,他们使用1-(苯磺酰基)吡咯设计了一种来均匀化钙钛矿薄膜中阳离子组成分布的策略, Nic Fishman, Jihan Zhou, et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06757-3 ▲ 摘要:

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